SFASA Meeting



Presentations by Student Travel Award winners and Chapter Officer Elections


Thursday, June 20th


4:00pm - 6:00pm


UC Berkeley, Haviland Hall, Room 2

Directions and Parking



The Student Travel Award winners are:


Michael Higgins

Improving Experiments by Optimal Blocking: Minimizing the Maximum Within-block Distance



Miles Lopes

The convergence rate of majority vote under exchangeability



Stephan Ritter, joint work with Alan Hubbard

relaxnet and widenet: Entending the glmnet R Package with Relaxation, Basis Expansions and Aggressive Cross-Validation



Speaker: Michael Higgins

Title: Improving Experiments by Optimal Blocking: Minimizing the Maximum Within-block Distance


Abstract: We develop a new method for blocking in randomized experiments that works for an arbitrary number of treatments.  We analyze the following problem: given a threshold for the minimum number of units to be contained in a block, and given a distance measure between any two units in the finite population, block the units so that the maximum distance between any two units within a block is minimized. This blocking criterion can minimize covariate imbalance, which is a common goal in experimental design.  Finding an optimal blocking is an NP-hard problem. However, using ideas from graph theory, we provide the first polynomial time approximately optimal blocking algorithm for when there are more than two treatment categories. In the case of just two such categories, our approach is more efficient than existing methods. We derive the variances of estimators for sample average treatment effects under the Neyman-Rubin potential outcomes model for arbitrary blocking assignments and an arbitrary number of treatments.


Speaker: Miles Lopes

Title: The convergence rate of majority vote under exchangeability


Abstract: Majority vote plays a fundamental role in many applications of statistics, such as ensemble classifiers, crowdsourcing, and elections. When using majority vote as a prediction rule, it is of basic interest to ask "How many votes are needed to obtain a reliable prediction?" In the context of binary classification with Random Forests or Bagging, we give a precise answer: If err_t denotes the test error achieved by the majority vote of t > 1 classifiers, and err* denotes its nominal limiting value, then under basic regularity conditions, err_t = err* + c/t + o(1/t), where c is a constant given by a simple formula. More generally, we show that if V_1,V_2,... is an exchangeable Bernoulli sequence with mixture distribution F, and the majority vote is written as M_t=median(V_1,...,V_t), then 1-\E[M_t] = F(1/2)+ (F"(1/2)/8)(1/t)+o(1/t) when F is sufficiently smooth. 


Speaker: Stephan Ritter, joint work with Alan Hubbard

Title: relaxnet and widenet: Entending the glmnet R Package with Relaxation, Basis Expansions and Aggressive Cross-Validation


Abstract: I will describe two R packages that IÕm working on. relaxnet applies the idea of the Relaxed Lasso (Meinshausen, 2007) to glmnet models (as provided by the glmnet R package, Friedman et al, 2010), leading to increased prediction accuracy in certain cases, and fewer false positives (i.e. fewer noise variables in the final model). widenet adds the capability of applying polynomial basis expansion to the input data and then selecting a subset of the basis functions using relaxnet. The intent with both of these packages is for the user to make aggressive use of cross-validation to select tuning parameters, and this is encouraged by providing options to easily parallelize the execution over cross-validation folds. A preliminary version of relaxnet is available on CRAN: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/relaxnet/index.html


Slate of SFASA officers for 2013 – 2014:


President:  Clinton Brownley

President-Elect:  Ruixiao Lu

Past President:  Kit Lau

VP BioStatistics:  Jing Huang

VP General Application:  Megan Price


Treasurer:  Doris Shu

Secretary:  Jacqueline Shaffer

Chair of Short Course:  Lu Tian

Chapter Representative:  John Kornak 

Webmaster:  Dean Fearn





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